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Make It Easy Autos

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Make It Easy Autos

Make It Easy Autos is an innovative auto website that better fits the needs of today’s consumer and auto dealer. Make It Easy Autos gives consumers anonymity, privacy and the ability to shop for vehicles the way they want, based on what they can afford to pay per month for a vehicle. With-in seconds, consumers are looking at new and used vehicles that fit with-in their budget… making it easy for them to find the perfect vehicle.

Make It Easy Autos also solves market pains for auto dealers by providing them a method to directly control the cost of selling a vehicle through a third party auto website without losing control of their customer and without having to pay for “leads” that do not result in a sale.

Make It Easy Autos’ development infrastructure and business model gives us the ability to partner with every auto dealer, no matter their size or their capacity to market themselves online. Our business strategy has put us on a course to fit comfortably between traditional lead generating websites ( and and the only other performance based auto website in the country,

We create exclusive relationships between consumers and dealers – never selling leads. We only charge for confirmed sales, not leads. By not selling leads to multiple dealerships and only charging for confirmed sales, we eliminate the top two complaints dealers have about traditional lead conversion auto websites.

Make It Easy Autos eliminates the obligation dealers feel to “overpay” for watered down leads and the frustration dealers feel when invoices them for a sale that did not occur. We believe this business plan proves Make It Easy Autos has built a business model that puts us in a category all by ourselves.

Make It Easy Autos has put together a team of experienced business owners, managers, marketers, sales people and development specialist to make sure we can, not only manage the day to day operations of a growing business, but scale the business quickly.

Make It Easy Autos is also a socially conscious business. We partnered with The Missouri Highway Patrol, T- Mobile, CoxHealth, Central Bank, and a local TV station to start a No Texting and Driving Car Giveaway program that was a huge success. We did 35 “No Texting and Driving” assemblies at area high schools in front of 35,000 students and gave a 2014 Chevy Cruze away to a 16 year old girl who pledged to not text and drive. We have the opportunity to expand this program nationwide as we grow. Educating young adults and their parents to put their phone away while they drive, is a main mission of Make It Easy Autos.